Here's the Infromation You Required

The Ancestor Messenger Sacred Space-Holding Program is an 8-week hybrid virtual and live, in-person program specifically designed for emerging Leaders of the Renaissance to cultivate the essential skills of a plant medicine integration provider and ceremonial space-holder.

Learn directly from indigenous wisdom keepers who are ancestral custodians of sacred plant medicine traditions and…

Claim Your Purpose in the Psychedelic Renaissance!

The psychedelic renaissance needs more culturally-informed integration specialists...

Are you ready to heed the call?

Gazing into the sacred fire as ancient and powerful indigenous chants fill the maloca, your consciousness pierces the veil between worlds, journeying to that eternal place beyond time and space, so that you might connect with your spiritual guides and receive their sacred message...

In the full force of the medicine, you receive a personal healing from an indigenous lineage holder who has gone through countless dietas, purifications and apprenticeship with the last living elders of the tribe. This is the real deal.

As if waking from a profound dream, you remember your divine purpose in the world - the sacred work you incarnated on this planet to do and the unique gifts you have to fulfill this mission becomes crystal clear.

You know exactly what the next steps are that you must take to activate your Soul Purpose and create a thriving vocation that is the abundant manifestation of your destiny... and you are on the right path!

A feeling of purposeful confidence radiates from deep inside your heart, transmuting any lingering uncertainty, lack of confidence and fear around claiming your soul-aligned vocation...into power.

You are filled with the feeling of homecoming - you have found your people, you have claimed your purpose, and you have a clear vision on how to grow a thriving vocation in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

Jasmine Victoria

Peru Retreat Participant

"I think the people that would benefit most from a Plant Spirit Journeys retreat are people who are looking to deepen their practice with spirituality and specifically with plant medicine.

People who have a deep desire to connect with indigenous people and be a bridge between our Western world and indigenous practices.

This is an opportunity to learn more deeply about yourself and about the medicine and traditions that have been keeping this world rotating for thousands of years.”

Are you considering a career vocation as a

Guide, facilitator, therapist, sitter, or Integration specialist?

The psychedelic sector is one of the fastest-growing professional sectors in the world. As an emergent field in therapy and personal transformation, the opportunities for highly-skilled, experienced coaches are endless.

  • Have you been regularly working with visionary plants and fungi and feel a soul-calling to support others in the most healing, transformational work of their lives?
  • Are you an aspiring or existing coach who regularly attends plant medicine ceremonies, who wishes to offer psychedelic integration, shamanic practices, or microdosing as part of your transformational services?
  • Are you a member of a lineage-based or New Age plant medicine community or entheogenic church who wishes to support others in your ceremony circle through trauma-informed integration?
  • Have you sat or apprenticed with indigenous healers or entheogenic clergy for years, but don’t wish to go back to school for 2-5 years just to be considered professionally “qualified” to offer integration services?

There is a tremendous need for experienced integration specialists who are safe, qualified, and culturally-informed to support people through the profoundly transformational process.

While intellectual learning around trauma and psychedelic harm reduction is vital, the ability to navigate entheogenic states, as well as support others in integrating their entheogenic experience is also essential.

The Ancestor Messenger Sacred Space-holding Program is a unique, embodied learning experience for emerging integration providers that offers a life-changing opportunity to learn directly from indigenous wisdom keepers, as well as international facilitators who uphold an unwavering commitment to sacred reciprocity.

If you've been wondering what a vocation as a culturally-informed integration provider might be like, this 8-week program offers a valuable glimpse into one of the fastest-growing fields in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

Kimberly Ocana

Peru Retreat Participant

"Plant Spirit Journeys retreats provide you with an opportunity to come back home, come back to spirit, come back to essence.

An opportunity to be in a community with like-minded individuals and humans that share a passion for healing through plant medicine.

To be in a sacred place, to learn from the medicine, to learn from elders, to learn from indigenous wisdom keepers, to learn from the land and the keepers of the land, and those that carry on wisdom."

Live the condor eagle prophecy & ignite your soul purpose in 8 unforgettable weeks

You will receive online instruction from the Plant Spirit School facilitation team, who will guide you on the nuances of cross-cultural bridgekeeping and space-holding for ceremony participants that come from the industrialized countries of the Global North. Psychedelic harm-reduction, trauma-informed care, informed consent, peer-led integration, medical intake and screening are the wisdom of the Eagle people.

You will receive in-person training from ancestral wisdom keepers from two unbroken shamanic lineages, who will share with us ways of working with sacred plants, shamanic tools and visionary states of consciousness that are as applicable for healing now as they were in the times of their ancestors. This is the wisdom of the Condor People.

Spring Retreat: Meet the Yawanawá

The Yawanawá is an indigenous nation that belongs to the Pano linguistic family, which includes the Masses, Katakana, Poyanawa, Huni Kuin, and Shipibo peoples, to name a few. Yawanawá refers to "the people of the wild boar", specifically the white-lipped peccary, which symbolically represents their people, as they are always together in a group, like a sounder of boars.

While Yawanawá territory includes a demarcation of nearly half a million acres of the Amazonian rainforest, most of the population (roughly 1000 people) live in 9 tribal villages situated along the Gregório River, in the state of Acre, Brazil.

Together with the support of their allies, the Yawanawá continue to work tirelessly to further a model of sustainability that allows them to protect their ancestral territories, strengthen their cultural and spiritual identity, and engage with the outside world on their own terms.

Spring Retreat: Meet the Yawanawá

For many years, Isku Kua has been supporting his father chief Nixiwaka in the administration of tribal affairs. Today he is chief of Nova Esperança (“New Hope”) village, with a population of 300 people.

Isku’s knowledge of his culture gets deeper every day as a result of his commitment to the studies and his conduct of the Uní ceremony impresses even Yawanawá elders.

He is also a talented musician and guitar player, who adapted many traditional songs to the guitar.

Rachel Andrews

Peru Retreat Participant

"You should join a Plant Spirit Journeys retreat if you are interested in learning more about sacred plant medicines from an indigenous perspective, if you are interested in learning about trauma-informed care and helping those to integrate their experiences with sacred plant medicines and psychedelics.

I think that anyone can come to a Plant Spirit Journeys retreat and really benefit and grow and learn so much. It's a transformational container, and it is a great place to align with your sacred purpose here on this earth.

On the third ayahuasca ceremony, it was an absolutely beautiful ceremony, and I felt so held and seen and loved. The way the indigenous came around and tended to everyone and guided them and healed them. I've never felt more cared for and held in my life."

Winter Retreat: Meet the Huni Kuin

Also referred to as the Kaxinawá, the Huni Kuin people (or “true people,” as they call themselves) are the largest indigenous population in the Brazilian state of Acre. They currently inhabit twelve indigenous lands along seven different rivers: Purus, Envira, Murú, Humaitá, Tarauacá, Breu and Jordão. A smaller population inhabit the remote expanse of rainforest that extends west to the foot of the Andes in eastern Peru.

The traditional medicines of the Huni Kuin people are of immense importance to their worldview. Hapé (powdered tobacco snuff), along with the communal use of ayahuasca (“Nixi Pae”) hold prominence in their spiritual practice.

In spite of decades of persecution, due to the remoteness of their communities in Western Acre, the Huni Kuin were able to preserve their traditions better than many other tribes in Brazil. Huni Kuin culture and spirituality, especially their sacred chants, are expanding in popularity round the world through the globalization of ayahuasca.

Spring Retreat: Meet the Yawanawá

Samia Biruany, Leader of the Mawa Isa Group

Leader of the Mawa Isa Group, a collective of women from Aldeia Pinuya Village, Samia Biruany is a pioneer in the studies and in conducting spiritual ceremonies.

Messenger of the feminine strength, she conquered her space in a territory previously dominated by men, uniting and strengthening the women of her village and inspiring young people from other regions.

In recent years, she has traveled throughout Brazil and several countries in Europe, taking with her the strength of all indigenous women.

Open Your Medicine Skills

We will be working with two ancestral plant medicines that have been used for healing and spiritual guidance for at least a millenia. You will learn how to open and close sacred medicine space, support others in their entheogenic navigation, healing and purification, along with the appropriate use and administration of hapé.


Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew and ancestral plant medicine made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub.

The name "ayahuasca" comes from the Quechuan language and means “Vine of the Spirits"; it is used interchangeably to refer to the vine itself, as well as the brew. However, ayahuasca holds an important place in many South American cultures and may be referred to by different names depending on who is using it, including yagé, daime, hoasca and uní.


Mapacho, (Nicotiana rustica) is a very potent variety of tobacco that contains high levels of beta-carbolines and 9 times more nicotine than common varieties. It has been used medicinally by the indigenous peoples of the Americas for at least a millennia.

The earliest recorded medicinal use of tobacco involves the insufflation of powdered tobacco snuff (hapé) through a blowpipe. This ritualistic practice continues to be widespread throughout the Amazon, and increasingly popular around the world, due to the globalization of ancestral shamanic plant medicines.

Praise from our retreat participants

Here's what past participants of Plant Spirit Journeys had to say about their experience during the Soul Purpose Vision Quest retreat in Peru:

"My biggest takeaway from this experience is to trust in myself, to learn to love myself again in a way that I haven't before. I feel like I'm walking away, literally buzzing with the electricity of possibility."

"The biggest takeaway for me through the training is what we've learned about trauma informed care, how our energy comes forth before our words do, and how to hold space for others."

What’s my investment?

Ancestor Messenger is an 8-week hybrid virtual program with an 8-day culturally-immersive retreat in Brazil.

Plant Spirit School Students

Triple Occupancy


or add $500 for Double Occupancy


PSS certification Students pay in full by:

  • Spring - Pay in full by Nov 2, 2023
  • Winter - Pay in full by July 2, 2024

and save $1175

Early Bird

Double Occupancy


or add $2600 for Single Occupancy


Pay by:

  • Spring - Pay before Jan 2, 2024
  • Winter - Pay before Sept 2, 2024


Double Occupancy


or add $2600 for Single Occupancy


Pay by:

  • Spring - Pay after Jan 2, 2024
  • Winter - Pay after Sept 2, 2024

or later

How to join the Sacred Space-Holding Retreat

Ancestor Messenger takes place in Itaipava, Brazil

Yawanawa Immersion

March 5-12, 2024

Huni Kuin Immersion

Nov 2-9, 2024

Here's how to sign up for the Ancestor Messenger 8-Week Sacred Space-Holding Program.

  • Download the Full Program Brochure to learn more about the practicum retreat.
  • Apply for a complimentary call with one of our Catalyst Coaches, to explore alignment.
  • If your application is accepted, you will receive an online calendar link to book your Career Catalyst Session.
  • If participation is a fit, you will be invited to submit payment to secure your spot.