Power places
of the ancient inca replay 

If you're a visionary coach, healer, or therapist feeling called to work with entheogenic clients ― then join us in Peru's Sacred Valley for a powerful integration practicum retreat led by our team of ancestral wisdom keepers and international facilitators...

...And Get Ready to Rise as a Leader of the Renaissance! 

The psychedelic renaissance needs more integration specialists...

Are you ready to heed the call?

Meditating over Machu Picchu, your consciousness connects with the frequency of this ancient Incan power portal, and the meaning of your sacred ceremony visions becomes crystal clear

You know exactly what the next steps are that you must take to activate your Soul Purpose and create a thriving vocation that is the abundant manifestation of your destiny... and you are on the right path!

You realize, beyond the shadow of a doubt that you came here to fulfill Condor Eagle Prophesy.

A feeling of purposeful confidence radiates from deep inside your heart, transmuting any lingering uncertainty, lack of confidence and fear around claiming your soul-aligned vocation...into power.

Stepping into circle with your new friends and colleagues with whom you have been sharing entheogenic ceremony space, practicing and cultivating your integration skills, you clasp hands and feel deeply supported by your Soul Tribe. 

You are filled with the feeling of homecoming - you have found your people, you have claimed your purpose, and you have clear vision on how to grow a thriving vocation in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

Sacred site activations at Inca power portals

meet the wisdom keepers

We will have the powerful opportunity to work with two Master Plants and four ancestral wisdom keepers from unbroken shamanic lineages, who will share with us ways of working with sacred plants, shamanic tools and visionary states of consciousness that are as applicable for healing now as they were in the times of their ancestors.

(Hover for bios)

Are You Considering a career vocation as a

 guide, facilitator, therapist, sitter, or integration specialist?

The psychedelic sector is one of the fastest-growing professional sectors in the world. As an emergent field in therapy and personal transformation, the opportunities for highly-skilled, experienced coaches are endless.

  • Have you been regularly working with visionary plants and fungi and feel a soul-calling to support others in the most healing, transformational work of their lives?
  • Are you an aspiring or existing coach that regularly attends plant medicine ceremonies, who wishes to offer psychedelic integration, shamanic practices, or microdosing as part of your transformational services?
  • Are you a member of a lineage-based or New Age plant medicine community or entheogenic church who wishes to support others in your ceremony circle through trauma-informed integration?
  • Have you sat or apprenticed with indigenous healers or entheogenic clergy for years, but don’t wish to go back to school for 2-5 years just to be considered professionally “qualified” to offer integration services?

There is a tremendous need for experienced integration specialists who are safe, qualified, and culturally-informed to support people through the profoundly transformational process.

While intellectual learning around trauma and psychedelic harm reduction is vital, the ability to navigate entheogenic states, as well as support others in integrating their entheogenic experience is also essential.

The Soul Purpose Vision Quest integration practicum retreat is a unique, embodied learning experience for emerging integration providers.

If you've been wondering what a vocation as an integration provider might be like, this 8-week program offers a valuable glimpse into one of the fastest growing fields in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

meet the co-facilitators

You will receive the loving support of our international team of teachers, facilitators, and coaches to support you in practicing and embodying the skills needed to confidently offer integration support to others.

(Hover for bios)

praise from our integration students

Here's what students of our Integration Coach Certification Program have to say about the quality of their experience in the Plant Spirit School.


Plant Spirit School Student

I love the transparency of faculty, cohort, the human element, the resources, continuous feedback to improve, the respect to indigenous traditions and honoring the lineages.

Bruriyah De Leon


Plant Spirit School Student

Your program is absolutely spectacular. I can see how much energy you’ve invested into it. It’s so incredible and world class. I’m just so grateful to be a part of it in any capacity.

Plant Spirit School Student

Denise Murphy, 

Plant Spirit School 


“I did a lot of research before I chose the Plant Spirit School for my Plant Medicine Integration Coaching certification and I now know I found the right people and organization to do this training with.

I was expecting to learn how to help clients prepare for, navigate and integrate from their psychedelic journey but what I did not expect was that I would be experiencing so much spiritual growth at the same time.

The facilitators are very knowledgeable and professional, the course content is in-depth and diverse and the administrators truly care about giving me the knowledge and skills I need to be effective in this field. I am not just a number, I am seen, heard and respected and I have no doubt that I am being appropriately prepared for this sacred path."


plant spirit journeys retreats vary in price, depending on the type, length, location, occupancy, room size, LEVEL OF SUPPORT PROVIDED and timing of your payment, as well as whether you are an existing certification student.

pricing range for ALL OF our retreats 

$3500 - $9500

we are currently enrolling participants in our 10-day ALL-INCLUSIVE retreat in peru's SACRED VALLEY this march 19-29, 2023 called

soul purpose vision quest

$5500 - $8747

**by opting in to receive our retreat brochure via email, you will be added to our email notification list for all upcoming plant spirit journeys retreats.

Yaya Gravelle

Yaya Gravelle,
Plant Spirit School Student

“I would "hands down" make this decision and investment again. I am wowed by the robust content and those that the school were able to attract as coaches and faculty members. The learnings have been deep, rich and practical. The head coaches and faculty have been more than outstanding and so supportive every step of the way.

As for the staff, those present and behind the scenes have always been responsive and helpful. I will be proud to have this certification because it is preparing me for the work happening and the work going forward. My personal transformation has been unexpected but very welcome. Thank you to all of the Plant Spirit School team. Keep up the amazing work.” 

how to join the practicum retreat 

Sacred Tours with Mallku Wachuma

soul purpose vision quest takes place

march 19 - 29, 2023

in peru's sacred valley

Here's how to spend 10 life-transforming days activating your Soul Purpose in community with emerging Leaders of the Renaissance.

  • Download the Full Retreat Brochure to learn more about the practicum retreat.
  • Apply for a complimentary call with one of our Catalyst Coaches, to explore alignment
  • If your application is accepted, you will receive an online calendar link to book your Career Catalyst Session.
  • If participation is a fit, you will be invited to submit payment to secure your spot.

© 2025 The Plant Spirit School is a program of EntheoNation

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