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Shamanic Street Smarts within the Psychedelic Renaissance

Darcy Kopas

Co-Founder of Visionary Hearts & Star River Sanctuary

Darcy is a shamanic practitioner, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, who specializes in clearing dense energy, complex shamanic shadow dynamics, and distance energy healing.

About Darcy Kopas

Darcy is a shamanic practitioner, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, who specializes in clearing dense energy, complex shamanic shadow dynamics, and distance energy healing.

Darcy has a deep well of experience in the ceremonial use of plant spirit medicines from the Andes, Amazon, and beyond. For the last three decades, Darcy has been passionately researching the fields of shamanism, energy medicine, deep nature connection, and the shift into the new planetary consciousness. Darcy works with hundreds of clients each year through his ceremonial and transformational energy work practice.

Co-founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary with his beautiful partner Robin Flynn.

Where to find Darcy Kopas

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The Resource & Empowerment Guide to Psychedelic Healing

This powerful guide walks you through how to choose your healing modality, medicine, and practitioner wisely.

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Darcy Kopas's Program

Entheogenesis - True Healing with the Master Teacher Plants and Psychedelic Medicines

Entheogenesis is a 7 week deep dive journey to give you the tools and insights for radical success on your healing journey with Psychedelics and the Master Teacher Plants. Learn to reclaim your Sovereignty, and awaken your power of your inner healer to connect with the great systems of support and love that is each one of our birthrights.

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