Keynote – Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times | Samia Biruany Huni Kuin and Aluna Lua
with Aluna Lua & Samia Biruany Huni Kuin
Ancient Medicine for Modern Times
with Aluna Lua & Samia Biruany Huni Kuin
Aluna Lua is the co-founder of the psychedelic media company Ascension Arts and head coach of The Plant Spirit School. She works as a ceremony facilitator, performing artist and integration coach. Lua is from Brazil and has been an ally for indigenous communities for over a decade.
Discover ways you can work with Cannabis and Hapé for ceremony, healing and expansion
Get the GuideEntheogenic Education that will teach you how to cultivate a healthy vessel, elevate your frequency, serve impeccably and lead by example in your medicine path.
Get the GuideSâmia Biruany is from Aldeia Pinuya, located near the city of Tarauacá, Acre, Amazon. She is one of the leaders and coordinators of the female cultural group Mawa Isa Keneya, which does an important job of strengthening the study of traditional chants, together with the medicines and studies of forest medicine and women's healing.
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