The Plant Spirit Summit

Ancient Medicine for Modern Times

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The guidance of yajé - ancestral siekopai medicine

Do you know what the most important month is to drink yajé (ayahuasca)? How about the true purpose of preparing our body through a dieta?

Discover these, and many other aspects of ancestral indigenous lore through the wisdom of elder healers and leaders of the Siekopai community of Ecuador in The Guidance of Yajé - Ancestral Siekopai Medicine.

Directed by Siekopai leader Jimmy Piaguaje and produced by filmmaker Kumiko Hayashi, this short film will give you a glimpse of the importance of yajé for the Siekopai nation, the role this sacred medicine has played in the preservation of their culture, and the shamanic secrets passed on to the current generation of healers by ancestral wisdom keepers.

Watch the premiere live stream + q&a with director jimmy piaguaje and producer kumiko hayashi

Jimmy Piaguaje is a filmmaker, producer, and community leader of the Siekopai people. He has worked for various organizations helpping to protect the Amazon; including Alianza Ceibo, Amazon Frontlines, Fundación Raíz, and others. He is currently the director of the indigenous-led Siekopai organization, Sëra, whose aim is to create a circular economy, food security, value creation education, and the defense of their territory.

Kumiko Hayashi

Kumiko Hayashi is a meta-shaman and a documentary filmmaker. She is a producer and cinematographer of the film Women of the White Buffalo, and the director of The Roots Awaken. She has pioneered unexplored frontiers in indigenous media and has presented her work with environmental conservation and indigenous cultures in conferences and gatherings around the world.

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