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Abuela Vitelia Criollo

Abuela Vitelia Criollo comes from the Cofán indigenous community of lower Putumayo, (Colombia and Ecuador). Since childhood, she had a strong interest in learning about the traditional plants, songs, and ceremonies that are practised by her people. Today, she is referred to as Abuela (Grandmother) Vitelia and is considered one of the most knowledgeable elders in her community. She is also the only woman who has received permission to lead yagé ceremonies in her tribe.

About Abuela Vitelia Criollo

Abuela Vitelia Criollo comes from the Cofán indigenous community of lower Putumayo, Colombia, specifically the Santa Rosa del Guamuéz reserve. Since childhood, she was given Yagé by her parents and taught about the traditional plants, songs, and ceremonies of her culture. Today, she is known as Abuela (Grandmother) Healer Vitelia and has a deep knowledge of the use of the sacred Yagé medicine. 

She is considered one of the most knowledgeable healers in her community and is one of the few women elders who holds the wisdom of leading Yagé ceremonies to provide healing and guidance. Yagé ceremonies are very important for her culture as they allow for the harmonization of the territory and the community, and the general protection of the village.

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