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Sacred Plants of Africa - Ancestral Traditions & Contemporary Uses

Audrey Braddock Ndjogo

Founder & Nganga, Bwiti Roots

Audrey, a healer from a lineage of Gabonese Bwiti Fang female Ngangas, bridges the West and Africa through her inclusive ceremonies. As the founder of Bwiti Roots, she works to preserve Bwiti culture, revive indigenous villages, and protect Iboga through sustainable practices. Audrey also organizes Bwiti Iboga retreats worldwide to fund these important projects.

About Audrey Braddock Ndjogo

Audrey, a healer from a lineage of Gabonese Bwiti Fang female Ngangas, bridges the West and Africa through her inclusive ceremonies. As the founder of Bwiti Roots, she works to preserve Bwiti culture, revive indigenous villages, and protect Iboga through sustainable practices. Audrey also organizes Bwiti Iboga retreats worldwide to fund these important projects.

Where to find Audrey Braddock Ndjogo

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