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The Crucial Role of Music and Sound in the Sacred Ceremonies of the Americas

Ilan Navah

Founder of Nova Earth Music & Medicine Music Artist

ILAN is a medicine music artist and founder of Nova Earth Music: an on-line hub for independent Medicine Music artists. For the past 12 years he has worked closely with the Kogi and Arhuaco Mamos of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia, Native-American elders across the U.S., as well as the Santo Daime Church. Ilan is also a holistic RN and currently pursuing a Masters in Counseling Psychology at Bastyr University.

About Ilan Navah

ILAN is a medicine music artist and founder of Nova Earth Music: an on-line hub for independent Medicine Music artists. For the past 12 years he has worked closely with the Kogi and Arhuaco Mamos of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia, Native-American elders across the U.S., as well as the Santo Daime Church. Ilan is also a holistic RN and currently pursuing a Masters in Counseling Psychology at Bastyr University.

Where to find Ilan Navah

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