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Spiritual Sovereignty and Power Dynamics within the Shamanic Realms and Psychedelic Space

Robin Flynn

Co-Founder of Visionary Hearts & Star River Sanctuary

Robin Flynn M.A. is a heart-centered guide, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, visionary artist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Robin along with her husband Darcy Kopas is the co-founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary in British Columbia.

What you'll discover:

  • Spiritual Sovereignty and body autonomy is the most important thing for true healing.
  • Anyone entering the psychedelic space is entering the shamanic realms of power- to do so well you need to understand power dynamics.
  • The "hierarchy of specialness" within ceremonial spaces, medicine, and spiritual communities leads to great harm. The antidote to this, is also the path of true healing, reclaiming your spiritual sovereignty and personal responsibility.

About Robin Flynn

Robin Flynn M.A. is a heart-centered guide, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, visionary artist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Robin along with her husband Darcy Kopas is the co-founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary in British Columbia.

Where to find Robin Flynn

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