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The Path of the Chachi Wachumero | Bladi & Ruth


Spiritual Guide, Healer, & Wachuma Ceremony Facilitator

Ruth facilitates Wachuma ceremonies that originate from the Chachi tradition of Ecuador, alongside her husband, Bladi. While Bladi and Ruth do not come from the Chachi community themselves, they were welcomed by the tribe’s elders because of their eagerness to learn the Wachuma tradition and share its healing power where it’s most needed – in the cities.

About Ruth

Ruth facilitates Wachuma ceremonies that originate from the Chachi tradition of Ecuador, alongside her husband, Bladi. While Bladi and Ruth do not come from the Chachi community themselves, they were welcomed by the tribe’s elders because of their eagerness to learn the Wachuma tradition and share its healing power where it’s most needed – in the cities.

Today, she walks with immense gratitude to bring feminine essence and wisdom to the Wachuma ceremonies she leads together with Bladi.

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