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Weaving an Integral Path: Integration, Community & Leadership as a Life Path

Skye Weaver

Earth Medicine & Women's Leadership Mentor

Skye Weaver is a Medicine Woman from Los Angeles specializing in psychedelics, women’s leadership, and radical self-care. She is a lead facilitator for The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness, DoubleBlind Magazine, and EntheoNation.

What you'll discover:

  • How integration can become a life path rather than an event
  • The importance of bringing the medicine community together OUTSIDE of Ceremony
  • The power of interdependence rather than codependence

About Skye Weaver

Skye Weaver is a Medicine Woman from Los Angeles specializing in psychedelics, women’s leadership, and radical self-care. She is a lead facilitator for The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness, DoubleBlind Magazine, and EntheoNation. With expertise in somatic psychology, mindfulness-based psychedelic therapy, ritual arts, and an MFA in acting from Harvard University and the Moscow Art Theatre, Skye utilizes her platform to advocate for a decolonized and holistic approach to healing and personal development.

Where to find Skye Weaver

Get this speaker's free gift:

The Trip Sitter's Checklist

This checklist covers all aspects of trip sitting, from preparation and safety protocols to integration and self-care. Use it as a reference to ensure a safe, supportive, and transformative experience for yourself and the journeyer.

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Skye Weaver's Program

"Finding Your Seat" Meditation

This 12 min guided meditation with Skye Weaver leads you through an rich internal somatic landscape to "Find Your Seat" as a space holder, guide, facilitator or therapist.

Passcode: GbS%XN3%

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