The Plant Spirit Summit
Ancient Medicine for Modern Times
Words from the Wisdom Keepers
To Walk the Path of Yagé Without Fear

Abuela Vitelia Criollo
Abuela Vitelia Criollo comes from the Cofán indigenous community of lower Putumayo, (Colombia and Ecuador). Since childhood, she had a strong interest in learning about the traditional plants, songs, and ceremonies that are practised by her people. Today, she is referred to as Abuela (Grandmother) Vitelia and is considered one of the most knowledgeable elders in her community. She is also the only woman who has received permission to lead yagé ceremonies in her tribe.

Taita Universario Queta
Taita Universario Queta is Cofán medicine man who lives in the south of Colombia, in the Putumayo region, in the Santa Rosa del Guamuéz indigenous reserve, where there is a great wealth of natural jungle.
Taita Universario learned how to lead Yagé ceremonies at the hands of his elders in his community, through many years of constantly drinking medicine.
For the Cofán, through sacred ceremonies with Yagé, a space is created to heal, guide, teach us from the bottom of our hearts to live in fraternity, restore spiritually, and resolve internal and external conflicts.