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Can psychedelics heal the world? A handbook for psychedelic advocates & culture creators
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Watch 2 exclusive documentaries about indigenous nations and 8 interviews with amazonian leaders & healers! Click the button below to enter:
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Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company and educational platform covering psychedelics, ancestral plant medicines, and global medicine culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, designed to help plant medicine practitioners become thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance.
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The inspiration to gather ancestral wisdom keepers to share their ceremonies and culture gave rise to the Condor Eagle Festival in Alto Paraíso, Brazil, which attracts healers, musicians, activists, and visionaries from around the world. This documentary explores the origins of the festival and the perspectives of indigenous wisdom keepers on the expansion of global ancestral medicines.
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One of the leaders of the ceremonies in the Mãe D’água Temple and main organizer of the Condor Eagle festival. Ambika is a composer and a vocalist dedicated to helping people connect with the transformative potential of their voices.
Born in Buenos Aires and raised in Brazil, Pablo is a guardian of the Sacred Medicine of the Mãe D’água Temple, a composer, and a guitarist. He is very knowledgeable about the fauna and flora of Chapada dos Veadeiros and other places around the world where he has lived and traveled.
Ninad is a composer, music producer, and musician who plays guitar, charango and bass. Since 2000 he has been part of the Templo Mae D’água band, participating in the formation of this unique style that characterizes Mantric Mambo. In his studio in Alto Paraiso de Goiás he has produced Mantric Mambo's albums, as well as albums by other artists. Like the emblematic “Transforming Tradição”, by shaman and singer Huni Kuin “Ninawa Pai da Mata”.
Raghini has walked this path of melodies, communication and healing for over 25 years. Currently, she sings, prays and plays at Templo Mãe D’água. Her participation in the band Mantric Mambo has led Raghini to the perfect meeting between music and spirituality, the teacher and the apprentice. His voice full of emotion, his musical compositions, his poetry and devotion continue to spread throughout the world.
Ion is a guide, tourism entrepreneur and photographer. For more than 20 years he has been recording Chapada dos Veadeiros through his lenses. It has a large collection of images of the region, including natural and cultural aspects. He has been a member of Mantric Mambo for over 15 years, bringing the Andean atmosphere to the arrangements with Zampoña, in addition to the rhythms played on Djembé and Berimbau.
Son of Don Eustolio and Mama Chaly, Modesto Rivera is a spiritual leader and political representative of the state of Nayarit, Mexico. He was born in a Wixarika community in the high mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Coming from an unbroken lineage of Marakames, he started his studies at an early age under his parents and followed the sacred path throughout his entire life, learning all about the Wixarika cosmology, music and art.
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Abuela Vitelia Criollo comes from the Cofán indigenous community of lower Putumayo, (Colombia and Ecuador). She is referred to as Abuela (Grandmother) Vitelia and is considered one of the most knowledgeable elders in her community. She is also the only woman who has received permission to lead yagé ceremonies in her tribe.
Taita Universario Queta is Cofán medicine man who lives in the south of Colombia, in the Putumayo region, in the Santa Rosa del Guamuéz indigenous reserve, where there is a great wealth of natural jungle.
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Bladi is a spiritual guide and healer, and has been a student of the Chachi tradition from the Cayapas River area of Ecuador for 15 years. He and his wife Ruth facilitate powerful and profound healing work through Wachuma and the music they bring.
The Mesa Chachi Prayer Circle with Bladi and Ruth is a glimpse into the sacred and mysterious wisdom of the Andes.
Alongside her husband, Bladi, Ruth facilitates Wachuma ceremonies that originate from the Chachi tradition of Ecuador. While Bladi and Ruth do not come from the Chachi community themselves, they were welcomed by tribe’s elders because of their eagerness to learn the Wachuma tradition and share its healing power where it’s most needed – in the cities.
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Sâmia Biruany is from Aldeia Pinuya, located near the city of Tarauacá, Acre, Amazon. She is one of the leaders and coordinators of the female cultural group Mawa Isa Keneya, which does an important job of strengthening the study of traditional chants, together with the medicines and studies of forest medicine and women's healing.
Nawá Siã has been traveling in Brazil since he was 17 years old and today, at 28 years of age, he is recognized for his dedication to the study of traditional chants and for his original songs and melodies. He brings the strength and energy of the new generation, being an inspiration for other youngsters to follow the path of the Medicine.
One of the main leaders of the Pinuya Village, Bixku has been a reference in the spiritual work of his community for more than 12 years. Currently, he is the Vice President of the OAKAT27 Association, of the Colony 27 Indigenous Land, where he develops projects to benefit local families.
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Watch exclusive interviews with indigenous leaders and wisdom keepers about ancestral traditions culture, spirituality, and their perspectives of the global expansion of sacred plant medicines in the Psychedelic Renaissance.
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Filmed in Acre, Brazil, this mini documentary features Ninawa Pai Da Mata, spiritual leader of the Huni Kuin community of Novo Futuro. Directed by Brazilian filmmakers Lara Jacoski and Patrick Belem from Bem-Te-Vi Produções, Ninawa shares the tribe's decision to open their village to outsiders and seek alliances with people from the Global North.
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Directed by Siekopai leader Jimmy Piaguaje and produced by filmmaker Kumiko Hayashi, this short film will give you a glimpse of the importance of yajé for the Siekopai nation, the role this sacred medicine has played in the preservation of their culture, and the shamanic secrets passed on to the current generation of healers by ancestral wisdom keepers.
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This beautiful documentary maps the quest of Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaq, the Grand Elder of the Mayan people as a mystical Aj Q’ji, and Day Keeper of tradition. This true and authentic story follows his mission to fulfill the Condor Eagle Prophecy by bringing together the indigenous people of the North and South in sacred ceremony.
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Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr., a member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, has dedicated over 54 years to uplifting and unifying Indigenous peoples and our Human Family, inspired by the Prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and Eagle and other related prophecies. Honored for his leadership role in resolving Canada's Residential School issue, Chief Lane continues to inspire through his visionary leadership in manifesting Indigenous rights, prophecies, justice, and unity.
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Dr. Fleet Maull, a renowned meditation teacher and mindset coach, is the founder of Heart Mind Institute, a transformational education platform hosting online summits and courses. He is also the founder of the annual Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Global Summit, one of the premier online events for this field, which has been attended by over 300,000 people since the first summit in October 2022.
View SessionLearn to tap into your body's innate capacity for auto-regulation into profound states of awareness, coherence and flow.
Get the E-BookDavid Crow has been a clinician, consultant, researcher, and educator in the field of natural medicine for over 40 years. A world-renowned speaker, author, and thought leader, David emphasizes reimagining healthcare and empowering individuals to become their own self-care experts.
View SessionBen Malcolm is the founder of Spirit Pharmacist, who works as a Psychopharmacology Consultant and Psychedelic Educator. In this interview, he shares some of his thoughts on approaches to drug interactions between medications and plant medicines.
View SessionSafe facilitation of psychedelic experiences begins with a systematic intake and screening process. A good intake process will reduce risks associated with psychedelic use, prevent adverse effects from occurring, and increase the odds of a beneficial outcome.
Get The GuideThe member resource and support program aims to optimize efficacy and safety of psychedelic drug use, while empowering persons and providers autonomy in choosing therapies and treatment plans best suited for them or their patients. It provides courses, webinars, written drug guides, a personalized drug information service, and discounted psychopharmacology consulting all in a single place.
Sign Up Here to get $30 OFF first month of membershipBeth Weinstein is a business coach helping coaches, healers, Psychedelic Pioneers and spiritual leaders to align with their soul's path and expand their businesses.
View SessionYou carry your own Unique Medicine and YOUR Medicine is what we need For These Times. The medicine path guides you to Your True Path through a journey of opening up your heart and listening to your higher self. In this journey, your Soul wakes up and starts to crave more fulfillment, freedom, fun and to be of service in the world. The Soul desires a life that aligns with your deeper heart’s purpose and who you truly are. If you want to integrate your psychedelic experiences into your purpose… Or you want clarity on what your business looks like… Or you don’t know what to do first to bring psychedelics into a business… Then this free Psychedelic Business training is for you!
Get the GuidePsychedelic medicines have growing more popular and are in the mainstream – and the psychedelic coaching, healing, transformational and personal development industry is growing exponentially every day. If you want to learn how you can start a business or career in the psychedelic space, this 3-part training will teach you how. (This exact training was part of an esteemed Psychedelic Training Program that costs over $10,000 – and it’s available to you here for only $44.) With the growing use of psychedelics for healing and transformation, there is more need for psychedelic-informed and psychedelic-assisted support. It’s time to start sharing Your Unique Medicine so you can make a difference in the lives of other’s doing what you love.
Elio Geusa is a director of AYA Healing Retreats, and facilitates transformative plant medicine experiences in Peru alongside Shipibo curanderos. With over 13 years in social work and humanitarian projects globally, he is deeply committed to respecting traditional plant medicine practices. His work aims to re-awaken guests to the natural world's intelligence, drawing on his profound personal healing to inspire and support others.
View SessionRobin Flynn M.A. is a heart-centered guide, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, visionary artist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Robin along with her husband Darcy Kopas is the co-founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary in British Columbia.
View SessionThis guide walks you through how to choose your healing modality, medicine, and practitioner wisely
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Day 2
Kat Courtney is a pioneer in the psychedelic coaching space with almost 2 decades of experience with clients and behind the altar; she's an indigenous-trained shamanic guide, author of a book on psychedelic plants, and she's the CEO of Plant Medicine People, Inc.
View SessionFor all those called to the incredible path of Psychedelic and Plant Medicine Coaching - these are Kat's 5 most essential qualities and traits for those that want to be the best of the best.
Get the GuideAngell Deer is a dedicated teacher and mystic deeply rooted in Andean Cosmology and Norse Shamanism. He has shared his vast knowledge on global stages, including Harvard and the French Davos.
View SessionThe Sanctuary Morning Practice (18 pages eBook) will Empower Your Life and add Serious Strength-Building to Your day! This 18-pages Ebook Will Show You How to... Not let the “auto-pilot” mind run the show when waking up Re-wire your brain and re-build your body's hormonal system Release negative patterns and stress Become more performant and clear Remember who you truly are "The Sanctuary Morning Practice was such a powerful tool to help me start my healing journey, I am so grateful for it!" Jeanne T. (New York)
Get the GuideAnahita Anais is a NeuroHealth & Emotional Agility Coach, and Microdosing Expert. She supports individuals and couples to heal their nervous systems so they can live, love, and lead from deep inner harmony.
View SessionMindful Microdosing Guide- a complimentary step-by-step handbook on building a foundational, supportive, and long-lasting microdosing practice
Get The GuideAs a psychedelic integration coach, Daniel Shankin’s time-tested and scientifically backed tools help clients create a life for themselves that is aligned with their deeper values and help them manifest measurable results that matter.
View SessionDr. Marie Mbouni is the founder of Heart Leadership and the Marie Mbouni School of Shamanism. She helps high-performing business owners, women entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, therapists, and creatives step into their greatness, creativity, magnetic power, and purpose so they can lead from a place of heart-centeredness and deep intuition, resulting in fulfillment and joy, where true healing happens.
View SessionPlease enjoy three shamanic tools to awaken and elevate your life.
These do not take long to experience.
Discover Your Power Spirit Animal
The Shamanic Art Psychic Self-Defense
How To Create & Work With A Home Altar
Atira Tan is passionate about creating safer spaces for everybody and bringing healing and awareness to the “shadowy” areas of life. She is currently the Head of Preparation and Integration at AYA Healing Retreats.
View SessionLearn essential trauma-informed skills for psychedelic facilitators to skilfully navigate trauma and lead with compassion, care and safety for all.
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Decriminalization and legalization of psychedelics as breakthrough treatments for mental health are right around the corner. If you are feeling called to step into a higher level of service on the plant medicine path, and you wish to learn how to professionally support those who are integrating entheogenic experiences...
...then the Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification program may be your next most powerful step in the Psychedelic Renaissance.
You'll hear from:
Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company and educational platform covering psychedelics, ancestral plant medicines, and global medicine culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, designed to help plant medicine practitioners become thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance.
Aluna Lua is the co-founder of the psychedelic media company Ascension Arts and head coach of The Plant Spirit School. She works as a ceremony facilitator, performing artist and integration coach. She is specialized in the medicines of Hapé, Kambo and Cannabis and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She provides peer support at Burning Man through the Zendo Project and offers trainings, retreats and mentorship for sacred space holders.
Day 3
Greg Lawrence is an integration coach, speaker and educator who specializes in helping his clients leverage neuroplasticity, neuroscience and a unique form of mindfulness to help them achieve wholeness.
View SessionCarlos Tanner is who moved to the Amazon rainforest in 2004 to live and study with his first teacher, don Juan Tangoa. In 2009 he started the Ayahuasca Foundation, centered around offering educational courses for people who feel called to study the Shipibo healing tradition.
View SessionRak has been a journalist, author and filmmaker documenting indigenous medicines and the psychedelic renaissance for almost 20 years. Co-director and produce of the film Aya: Awakenings and host/producer with Niles Heckman of Shamans of the Global Village documentary series.
View SessionPatricia Eastman is an initiated medicine woman and founder of nonprofit Ancestral Heart focused on the reciprocity and preservation of ancestral wisdom traditions and biocultural heritage. Her work draws on her mestiza ancestral roots and her initiations, with nearly a decade of experience with the Bwiti tradition of equatorial Africa.
View SessionMaya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, ceremonialist, and author of The Dirt Cure and the newly released The Master Plant Experience: The Science, Safety and Sacred Ceremony of Psychedelics. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more.
View SessionJasper Degenaars is a Mycologist, Educator, and the Hyphae Headmaster of Fungi Academy. With 12+ years of mushroom cultivation experience and over 3000 students taught since 2019, he illuminates the intricate world of fungi with passion and expertise.
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The Ancestor Messenger Sacred Space-Holding Program is an 8-week hybrid virtual and live, in-person program specifically designed for emerging Leaders of the Renaissance to cultivate the essential skills of a plant medicine integration provider and ceremonial space-holder. Learn directly from indigenous wisdom keepers who are ancestral custodians of sacred plant medicine traditions and…
Claim Your Purpose in the Psychedelic Renaissance!
You'll hear from:
Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company and educational platform covering psychedelics, ancestral plant medicines, and global medicine culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, designed to help plant medicine practitioners become thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance.
Aluna Lua is the co-founder of the psychedelic media company Ascension Arts and head coach of The Plant Spirit School. She works as a ceremony facilitator, performing artist and integration coach. She is specialized in the medicines of Hapé, Kambo and Cannabis and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She provides peer support at Burning Man through the Zendo Project and offers trainings, retreats and mentorship for sacred space holders.
Day 4
Kayse Gehret is the founder of Microdosing for Healing, a global platform founded in November of 2020 offering microdosing programs, community, podcast and professional mentorship programs. She has supported nearly 900 individuals in microdosing practice and passionate about supporting & mentoring individuals and professionals in their healing, growth and spiritual discovery.
View SessionSkye Weaver is a Medicine Woman from Los Angeles specializing in psychedelics, women’s leadership, and radical self-care. She is a lead facilitator for The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness, DoubleBlind Magazine, and EntheoNation.
View SessionEvacheska deAngelis is the Founder of Temple Sotto Luce. Evacheska is an Integrative Counselor, Trauma-Informed Somatic Practitioner, Psycho-Spiritual Coach, Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher, and trained psychedelic facilitator, and passionate Animist.
View SessionRachael is a licensed acupuncturist drawing upon 25 years experience providing care for patients in her private practice. Internationally recognized as a Lopön of the Tibetan Bon tradition, she teaches meditation, mantra and healing arts.
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Sami Bass is a lineage ancestral channel, somatic movement and embodiment practitioner and medicine person challenging social narratives by creating safer spaces for all voices.
Ecko is a 2spirit Nlaka’pamux song carrier, dream walker, digital shapeshifter, storyteller, and medicine woman of many mediums. They live and breathe revolutionary acts of rest and play through ancestral healing modalities and curiosity through creative expression. Ecko is the founder and co-facilitator of Sacred Matriarch Creative, offering teachings and tools for folks to unleash their magic and medicine, guided by ancestral knowledge.
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Dr. Regina U. Hess, NL/PT, has been a clinician for 30+ years, a transpersonal psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, researcher, and international teacher who bridges ancient wisdom traditions and modern (psychedelic) science, and visionary founder/director of Birthing an Ancient Future – Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council
View SessionDr. Richard Miller is an 85 year old clinical psychologist with 64 years of professional experience. He is the founder of the nationally acclaimed Cokenders Alcohol and Drug Program, the creator of the internationally reknowned Health Sanctuary at Wilbur Hot Springs and the author of 3 books on psychedlic medicine and one on human sexuality.
View SessionDarcy is a shamanic practitioner, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, who specializes in clearing dense energy, complex shamanic shadow dynamics, and distance energy healing.
View SessionAndrew Soluna Mcreynolds, is a LMFT specializing in Holistic Integration, a body-led psycho-spiritual approach to therapy & psychedelic integration. He co-founded Children of the Rainforest, with Chief Isku Kua Yawanawa and a small group of dedicated board members.
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