The Plant Spirit Summit

Ancient Medicine for Modern Times

The Plant Spirit Summit Sessions

The Plant Spirit Summit sessions are available for viewing from this page for the next 48 hours (scroll down to see the program). You may view the featured & indigenous speaker sessions from this page for free anytime. Upgrade now to get LIFETIME, ON-DEMAND ACCESS to all the sessions you see below PLUS many special bonuses!

Opening Prayer by Chief Phil Lane Jr.

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Sacred Connection

Sacred Connection partners directly with the tribes in Brazil. We proudly bring the best Rapeh to the world while building capacity in the forest. Check out our fine selection of snuffs and related products.

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Maya Enthnobotanicals

Maya Ethnobotanicals is your trusted source for ethnobotanicals. Maya gathers plants & herbs from around the globe for your health and spiritual well-being. We deliver the best of nature directly to your door.

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A tribe of visionaries interested in living a sustainable, just, spiritually fulfilling life on this planet.

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Watch 2 exclusive documentaries about indigenous nations and 8 interviews with amazonian leaders & healers! Click the button below to enter:

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* Free to view for 48 hours

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Awakening the Condor Eagle Alliance

Does Not Expire

Lorna Liana

CEO EntheoNation & Founder of the Plant Spirit School

The Profound Value of Ancestral Wisdom in the Psychedelic Renaissance

Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company and educational platform covering psychedelics, ancestral plant medicines, and global medicine culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, designed to help plant medicine practitioners become thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance. 

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Does Not Expire

Film Premiere | Condor Eagle - Alliances to Heal & Live QA with Tribo Mãe d'Agua

The inspiration to gather ancestral wisdom keepers to share their ceremonies and culture gave rise to the Condor Eagle Festival in Alto Paraíso, Brazil, which attracts healers, musicians, activists, and visionaries from around the world. This documentary explores the origins of the festival and the perspectives of indigenous wisdom keepers on the expansion of global ancestral medicines.

Does Not Expire

The Legacy of Yatra Barbosa & Birth of the Condor Eagle Festival | Tribo Mãe d'Agua

You'll hear from:

Ambika Cruz

One of the leaders of the ceremonies in the Mãe D’água Temple and main organizer of the Condor Eagle festival. Ambika is a composer and a vocalist dedicated to helping people connect with the transformative potential of their voices.

Pablo Comesana

Born in Buenos Aires and raised in Brazil, Pablo is a guardian of the Sacred Medicine of the Mãe D’água Temple, a composer, and a guitarist. He is very knowledgeable about the fauna and flora of Chapada dos Veadeiros and other places around the world where he has lived and traveled.

Ninad Yage

Ninad is a composer, music producer, and musician who plays guitar, charango and bass.  Since 2000 he has been part of the Templo Mae D’água band, participating in the formation of this unique style that characterizes Mantric Mambo.  In his studio in Alto Paraiso de Goiás he has produced Mantric Mambo's albums, as well as albums by other artists. Like the emblematic “Transforming Tradição”, by shaman and singer Huni Kuin “Ninawa Pai da Mata”.


Raghini has walked this path of melodies, communication and healing for over 25 years. Currently, she sings, prays and plays at Templo Mãe D’água. Her participation in the band Mantric Mambo has led Raghini to the perfect meeting between music and spirituality, the teacher and the apprentice. His voice full of emotion, his musical compositions, his poetry and devotion continue to spread throughout the world.

Ion David

Ion is a guide, tourism entrepreneur and photographer. For more than 20 years he has been recording Chapada dos Veadeiros through his lenses. It has a large collection of images of the region, including natural and cultural aspects. He has been a member of Mantric Mambo for over 15 years, bringing the Andean atmosphere to the arrangements with Zampoña, in addition to the rhythms played on Djembé and Berimbau.

Words From Wisdom Keepers 

Does Not Expire

Modesto Rivera

Marakame, Wixarika Spiritual & Nayarit Political Representative

Attaining the Sacred Knowledge of Hikuri through Pilgrimage to Wirikuta

Son of Don Eustolio and Mama Chaly, Modesto Rivera is a spiritual leader and political representative of the state of Nayarit, Mexico. He was born in a Wixarika community in the high mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Coming from an unbroken lineage of Marakames, he started his studies at an early age under his parents and followed the sacred path throughout his entire life, learning all about the Wixarika cosmology, music and art.

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Does Not Expire

To Walk the Path of Yagé Without Fear

You'll hear from:

Abuela Vitelia Criollo

Abuela Vitelia Criollo comes from the Cofán indigenous community of lower Putumayo, (Colombia and Ecuador). She is referred to as Abuela (Grandmother) Vitelia and is considered one of the most knowledgeable elders in her community. She is also the only woman who has received permission to lead yagé ceremonies in her tribe.

Taita Universario Queta

Taita Universario Queta is Cofán medicine man who lives in the south of Colombia, in the Putumayo region, in the Santa Rosa del Guamuéz indigenous reserve, where there is a great wealth of natural jungle.

Does Not Expire

The Path of the Chachi Wachumero

You'll hear from:


Bladi is a spiritual guide and healer, and has been a student of the Chachi tradition from the Cayapas River area of Ecuador for 15 years. He and his wife Ruth facilitate powerful and profound healing work through Wachuma and the music they bring.

The Mesa Chachi Prayer Circle with Bladi and Ruth is a glimpse into the sacred and mysterious wisdom of the Andes. 


Alongside her husband, Bladi, Ruth facilitates Wachuma ceremonies that originate from the Chachi tradition of Ecuador. While Bladi and Ruth do not come from the Chachi community themselves, they were welcomed by tribe’s elders because of their eagerness to learn the Wachuma tradition and share its healing power where it’s most needed – in the cities.

Does Not Expire

Our Medicine is Union & the Healing in Each of Us

You'll hear from:

Sâmia Biruany Huni Kuin

Sâmia Biruany is from Aldeia Pinuya, located near the city of Tarauacá, Acre, Amazon. She is one of the leaders and coordinators of the female cultural group Mawa Isa Keneya, which does an important job of strengthening the study of traditional chants, together with the medicines and studies of forest medicine and women's healing.

Nawá Siã Huni Kuin

Nawá Siã has been traveling in Brazil since he was 17 years old and today, at 28 years of age, he is recognized for his dedication to the study of traditional chants and for his original songs and melodies. He brings the strength and energy of the new generation, being an inspiration for other youngsters to follow the path of the Medicine.

Bixku Huni Kuin

One of the main leaders of the Pinuya Village, Bixku has been a reference in the spiritual work of his community for more than 12 years. Currently, he is the Vice President of the OAKAT27 Association, of the Colony 27 Indigenous Land, where he develops projects to benefit local families.

Does Not Expire

Voices From The Amazon

Watch exclusive interviews with indigenous leaders and wisdom keepers about ancestral traditions culture, spirituality, and their perspectives of the global expansion of sacred plant medicines in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

Short Films & Documentaries

Does Not Expire

Novo Futuro - A Huni Kuin Renaissance

Filmed in Acre, Brazil, this mini documentary features Ninawa Pai Da Mata, spiritual leader of the Huni Kuin community of Novo Futuro. Directed by Brazilian filmmakers Lara Jacoski and Patrick Belem from Bem-Te-Vi Produções, Ninawa shares the tribe's decision to open their village to outsiders and seek alliances with people from the Global North.

Does Not Expire

The Guidance of Yajé - Ancestral Siekopai Medicine

Directed by Siekopai leader Jimmy Piaguaje and produced by filmmaker Kumiko Hayashi, this short film will give you a glimpse of the importance of yajé for the Siekopai nation, the role this sacred medicine has played in the preservation of their culture, and the shamanic secrets passed on to the current generation of healers by ancestral wisdom keepers.

Does Not Expire

Shift of the Ages Film

Shift of the Ages

This beautiful documentary maps the quest of Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaq, the Grand Elder of the Mayan people as a mystical Aj Q’ji, and Day Keeper of tradition. This true and authentic story follows his mission to fulfill the Condor Eagle Prophecy by bringing together the indigenous people of the North and South in sacred ceremony.

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Day 1

Ancient Medicine for Modern Times

Day 1 | Speaker Sessions

Featured Session - Does Not Expire

Chief Phil Lane Jr

Hereditary Chief, Ihanktonwan Dakota & Chickasaw First Nations; Co-Founder, Four Worlds International Institute

Fulfilling the Prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and Eagle

Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr., a member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, has dedicated over 54 years to uplifting and unifying Indigenous peoples and our Human Family, inspired by the Prophecy of the Reunion of the Condor and Eagle and other related prophecies. Honored for his leadership role in resolving Canada's Residential School issue, Chief Lane continues to inspire through his visionary leadership in manifesting Indigenous rights, prophecies, justice, and unity.


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Fleet Maull

Author, Meditation Teacher, Coach, Motivational Speaker, Social Entrepreneur and Peacemaker

Integrating Plant Medicines & Deeply Embodied Meditation

Dr. Fleet Maull, a renowned meditation teacher and mindset coach, is the founder of Heart Mind Institute, a transformational education platform hosting online summits and courses. He is also the founder of the annual Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Global Summit, one of the premier online events for this field, which has been attended by over 300,000 people since the first summit in October 2022.

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Neuro-Somatic Mindfulness Training E-Book

Learn to tap into your body's innate capacity for auto-regulation into profound states of awareness, coherence and flow.

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David Crow

Master Clinical Herbalist & Founder of Crow Consultations

Soma and Kykeon: Ancient Entheogenic Cults and Their Impacts on Civilization

David Crow has been a clinician, consultant, researcher, and educator in the field of natural medicine for over 40 years. A world-renowned speaker, author, and thought leader, David emphasizes reimagining healthcare and empowering individuals to become their own self-care experts.

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Ben Malcolm

Founder of Spirit Pharmacist LLC

Mindful Med Management and Plant Medicine

Ben Malcolm is the founder of Spirit Pharmacist, who works as a Psychopharmacology Consultant and Psychedelic Educator. In this interview, he shares some of his thoughts on approaches to drug interactions between medications and plant medicines.

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Psychedelic Screening Essentials

Safe facilitation of psychedelic experiences begins with a systematic intake and screening process. A good intake process will reduce risks associated with psychedelic use, prevent adverse effects from occurring, and increase the odds of a beneficial outcome.

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Spirit Pharmacist Member Resource and Support Program

The member resource and support program aims to optimize efficacy and safety of psychedelic drug use, while empowering persons and providers autonomy in choosing therapies and treatment plans best suited for them or their patients. It provides courses, webinars, written drug guides, a personalized drug information service, and discounted psychopharmacology consulting all in a single place.

Sign Up Here to get $30 OFF first month of membership

Beth Weinstein

Spiritual & Entheogenic Business Coach

You Are the Medicine: Psychedelics, Soul's Purpose & Transformational Business for These Times

Beth Weinstein is a business coach helping coaches, healers, Psychedelic Pioneers and spiritual leaders to align with their soul's path and expand their businesses. 

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Integrating Psychedelics & Sacred Medicines Into a Transformational Business

You carry your own Unique Medicine and YOUR Medicine is what we need For These Times. The medicine path guides you to Your True Path through a journey of opening up your heart and listening to your higher self. In this journey, your Soul wakes up and starts to crave more fulfillment, freedom, fun and to be of service in the world. The Soul desires a life that aligns with your deeper heart’s purpose and who you truly are. If you want to integrate your psychedelic experiences into your purpose… Or you want clarity on what your business looks like… Or you don’t know what to do first to bring psychedelics into a business… Then this free Psychedelic Business training is for you!

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Start & Grow a Transformational Psychedelic Business Or Career

Psychedelic medicines have growing more popular and are in the mainstream – and the psychedelic coaching, healing, transformational and personal development industry is growing exponentially every day. If you want to learn how you can start a business or career in the psychedelic space, this 3-part training will teach you how. (This exact training was part of an esteemed Psychedelic Training Program that costs over $10,000 – and it’s available to you here for only $44.) With the growing use of psychedelics for healing and transformation, there is more need for psychedelic-informed and psychedelic-assisted support. It’s time to start sharing Your Unique Medicine so you can make a difference in the lives of other’s doing what you love.

20% Off any of these psychedelic business courses or summits with code ENTHEO

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Elio Geusa

Founder and Lead Facilitator, AYA Healing Retreats

Mastering Energy and Spirit: Cleansing Techniques for Plant Medicine Facilitators

Elio Geusa is a director of AYA Healing Retreats, and facilitates transformative plant medicine experiences in Peru alongside Shipibo curanderos. With over 13 years in social work and humanitarian projects globally, he is deeply committed to respecting traditional plant medicine practices. His work aims to re-awaken guests to the natural world's intelligence, drawing on his profound personal healing to inspire and support others.

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Robin Flynn

Co-Founder of Visionary Hearts & Star River Sanctuary

Spiritual Sovereignty and Power Dynamics within the Shamanic Realms and Psychedelic Space

Robin Flynn M.A. is a heart-centered guide, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, visionary artist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Robin along with her husband Darcy Kopas is the co-founder of Visionary Hearts and Star River Sanctuary in British Columbia.

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The Resource & Empowerment Guide to Psychedelic Healing

This guide walks you through how to choose your healing modality, medicine, and practitioner wisely

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Day 1 | Film

Does Not Expire

La Ciencia De La Ayahuasca

In this episode of the Spanish language documentary series 'Voices of Ayahuasca', prestigious scientists explore the therapeutic potential of this ceremonial drink originating from the Upper Amazon. Scientific research into ayahuasca gained momentum in the late 1990s, driven by a group of researchers in Catalonia who challenged the taboo around psychedelic substances. Yet, the bureaucratic obstacles imposed by drug prohibition present ongoing challenges to scientific research and legislative reform.

Day 1 | 90-Min Panels

Ancient Medicine for Modern Times – The Vital Role Ancestral Medicines Play in the Psychedelic Renaissance

You'll hear from:

Lorna Liana

CEO EntheoNation & Founder of the Plant Spirit School

Chenae Bullock

Shinnecock Tribal Member, Historian, Activist, Powwow Dancer and Vendor.

Sutton King

Indigenous Rights Activist, Speaker, Researcher, and Social Entrepreneur

Ivan Sawyer Garcia

Media Producer & Communicator
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The Path of the Plant Medicine Integration Coach

You'll hear from:

Lacey White

Plant Spirit School Program Manager

Jesse Chen

Founder of The Leadership Mystery School

Kimberly Ocana

Owner/Founder, Ananda Lodge, Costa Rica

Erwan Frotin

Visual Artist, Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner and Integration Coach

Coltrane Lord

Foundress Wonderland Project | Board Member Chacruna Institute
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Community is the Medicine: Finding the Others & Creating Your Tribe

You'll hear from:

Magdalena Tanev

The Editor at EntheoNation

Heather Love

Spiritual Strategist & Host of Creature School Radio

Leonora Russell

Executive Director or Entheo Society, Chair of Adapt-WA

Jonathan 'Quest' Brown

Co-Founder of Three Rivers Psychedelic Society, Sacred Facilitator & Integration Coach

Mike Margolies

Co-Founder and Co-Steward of Global Psychedelic Society
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Ceremony As a Service – Exploring the Landscape of Facilitated Psychedelic Experiences

You'll hear from:

Jonathan 'Quest' Brown

Co-Founder of Three Rivers Psychedelic Society, Sacred Facilitator & Integration Coach

Austin Mao

Co-founder of Non-Profit Psychedelic Church, Ceremonia

Natasha Anand Boojihawon

Co-Founder of Earth Clinic & School, Integrative Trauma Practitioner, & Ceremonialist

Dr. Tom Pinkson

Transpersonal Psychologist and Founder of A New Vision of Living

Steve Rio

Enfold Institute

Mary Telliano

An EoL Doula and Psychedelic Facilitator
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Day 2

Ancestral Healing for Current Challenges

Day 2 | Speaker Sessions

Kat Courtney

CEO Plant Medicine People Inc.

Psychedelic Therapists vs Coaches

Kat Courtney is a pioneer in the psychedelic coaching space with almost 2 decades of experience with clients and behind the altar; she's an indigenous-trained shamanic guide, author of a book on psychedelic plants, and she's the CEO of Plant Medicine People, Inc.

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The 5 Most Effective Traits for Psychedelic Coaches

For all those called to the incredible path of Psychedelic and Plant Medicine Coaching - these are Kat's 5 most essential qualities and traits for those that want to be the best of the best.

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Angell Deer

Owner of The Sanctuary, Shamanic Healer

Grounding Wisdom: The Power of Non-Entheogenic Plants in Ancient Traditions

Angell Deer is a dedicated teacher and mystic deeply rooted in Andean Cosmology and Norse Shamanism. He has shared his vast knowledge on global stages, including Harvard and the French Davos.

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The Sanctuary Morning Practice

The Sanctuary Morning Practice (18 pages eBook) will Empower Your Life and add Serious Strength-Building to Your day! This 18-pages Ebook Will Show You How to... Not let the “auto-pilot” mind run the show when waking up Re-wire your brain and re-build your body's hormonal system Release negative patterns and stress Become more performant and clear Remember who you truly are "The Sanctuary Morning Practice was such a powerful tool to help me start my healing journey, I am so grateful for it!" Jeanne T. (New York)

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Anahita Anais

Founder & Integrative Microdosing Expert at Microdose Guru

Microdosing For Emotional Intimacy

Anahita Anais is a NeuroHealth & Emotional Agility Coach, and Microdosing Expert. She supports individuals and couples to heal their nervous systems so they can live, love, and lead from deep inner harmony.

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Begin Your Microdosing Journey with this FREE Guide:

Mindful Microdosing Guide- a complimentary step-by-step handbook on building a foundational, supportive, and long-lasting microdosing practice

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Daniel Shankin

Psychedelic Integration Coach & Founder of Tam Integration

The Competencies of a Psychedelic Integration Coach

As a psychedelic integration coach, Daniel Shankin’s time-tested and scientifically backed tools help clients create a life for themselves that is aligned with their deeper values and help them manifest measurable results that matter.

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Dr. Marie Mbouni

Transition Alchemist for Visonary Entrepreneurs

Bridging Worlds: Heart Healing and the Condor and Eagle Prophecy

Dr. Marie Mbouni is the founder of Heart Leadership and the Marie Mbouni School of Shamanism. She helps high-performing business owners, women entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, therapists, and creatives step into their greatness, creativity, magnetic power, and purpose so they can lead from a place of heart-centeredness and deep intuition, resulting in fulfillment and joy, where true healing happens.

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My Favorite 3 Shamanic Tools

Please enjoy three shamanic tools to awaken and elevate your life.

These do not take long to experience.

Discover Your Power Spirit Animal
The Shamanic Art Psychic Self-Defense
How To Create & Work With A Home Altar

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Atira Tan

Head of Integration, AYA Healing Retreats

Healing Complex Trauma in Psychedelic Sessions

Atira Tan is passionate about creating safer spaces for everybody and bringing healing and awareness to the “shadowy” areas of life. She is currently the Head of Preparation and Integration at AYA Healing Retreats.

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Trauma Toolkit for Psychedelic Facilitators

Learn essential trauma-informed skills for psychedelic facilitators to skilfully navigate trauma and lead with compassion, care and safety for all.

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Day 2 | Film

Does Not Expire

Santo Daime, La Religion De La Floresta

Santo Daime is a syncretic religion originating in Brazil that uses ayahuasca ('daime') as a sacrament. In this episode of 'Voices of Ayahuasca', produced by Iñaki Berazaluce and Aitor Biedma, we trace the origins and history of this spiritual movement and speak with members of the Santo Daime church in Spain.

Day 2 | 90-Min Panels

Storytelling as a Force for Change: How Narratives Shape Our Culture, Psychedelic Journeys, and Our Future

You'll hear from:

Mareesa Stertz

Professional Storyteller, Co-Founder at Lucid News, Lead of Strategy/Comms at Global Psychedelic Society

Erica Siegal

LCSW, Founder at Shine Collective & NEST Harm Reduction & Consulting

Joseph McCowan

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Psychedelic Therapist

Melissa Barker

Founder, The Phoenix Project
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The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Open House

Decriminalization and legalization of psychedelics as breakthrough treatments for mental health are right around the corner. If you are feeling called to step into a higher level of service on the plant medicine path, and you wish to learn how to professionally support those who are integrating entheogenic experiences...

...then the Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification program may be your next most powerful step in the Psychedelic Renaissance.

You'll hear from:

Lorna Liana
Lorna Liana

Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company and educational platform covering psychedelics, ancestral plant medicines, and global medicine culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, designed to help plant medicine practitioners become thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance. 

Aluna Luna

Aluna Lua is the co-founder of the psychedelic media company Ascension Arts and head coach of The Plant Spirit School. She works as a ceremony facilitator, performing artist and integration coach. She is specialized in the medicines of Hapé, Kambo and Cannabis and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She provides peer support at Burning Man through the Zendo Project and offers trainings, retreats and mentorship for sacred space holders.

The Power of Entheogenic Plants for Women’s Health and Well-Being

You'll hear from:

Lauren Segalla

Embodiment & Sovereign Birth Mentor

Mikaela de la Myco

The Mushwomb | Mothers of the Mushroom | Mama de la Myco

Susanna Karollys

Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner & Plant Medicine Ceremonial Guide

Kimberly Ocana

Owner/Founder, Ananda Lodge, Costa Rica

Tsao-Lin Moy

Chinese Medicine and Micro-dose Facilitator

Rachael Henrichsen

Founder of Red Gate Path
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Getting to the Root: How Psychedelics Assist Addiction Recovery

You'll hear from:

Lacey White

Plant Spirit School Program Manager

Crystal Dawn

Lifestyle Medicine Wellness Retreats & Harm Reduction Consultant

Danielle Nova

Executive Director SF Psychedelic Society & Psychedelic Recovery

Vanessa Crites

Founder, Sobriety of the Soul

Jennifer Bruce

Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner

Manesh Girn

Postdoctoral Neuroscientist, UCSF
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Day 3

Advancing Entheogenic Advocacy

Day 3 | Speaker Sessions

Greg Lawrence

Psychedelic integration specialist

The Secret Life of Your Brain

Greg Lawrence is an integration coach, speaker and educator who specializes in helping his clients leverage neuroplasticity, neuroscience and a unique form of mindfulness to help them achieve wholeness.

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Carlos Tanner

Program Director, Ayahuasca Foundation

Ayahuasca and State of Being

Carlos Tanner is who moved to the Amazon rainforest in 2004 to live and study with his first teacher, don Juan Tangoa. In 2009 he started the Ayahuasca Foundation, centered around offering educational courses for people who feel called to study the Shipibo healing tradition. 

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Rak Razam

Earth Medicine Ambassador

We go together

Rak has been a journalist, author and filmmaker documenting indigenous medicines and the psychedelic renaissance for almost 20 years. Co-director and produce of the film Aya: Awakenings and host/producer with Niles Heckman of Shamans of the Global Village documentary series.

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Patricia Eastman

Medicine Woman, Author, & Advocate

Seeding Consciousness: Plant Medicine, Ancestral Wisdom, and Psychedelic Initiation

Patricia Eastman is an initiated medicine woman and founder of nonprofit Ancestral Heart focused on the reciprocity and preservation of ancestral wisdom traditions and biocultural heritage. Her work draws on her mestiza ancestral roots and her initiations, with nearly a decade of experience with the Bwiti tradition of equatorial Africa.

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Maya Shetreat

Neurologist, Herbalist, Urban Farmer and Author

The Master Plant Experience

Maya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, ceremonialist, and author of The Dirt Cure and the newly released The Master Plant Experience: The Science, Safety and Sacred Ceremony of Psychedelics. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. 

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Jasper Degenaars

Hyphae Headmaster at Fungi Academy

How Mushrooms Motivate Positive Action (Think like a Mushroom)

Jasper Degenaars is a Mycologist, Educator, and the Hyphae Headmaster of Fungi Academy. With 12+ years of mushroom cultivation experience and over 3000 students taught since 2019, he illuminates the intricate world of fungi with passion and expertise.

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Day 3 | Film

Does Not Expire

Ayahuasca at the Parliament of World Religions

The Parliament of the World’s Religions, a conference gathering people from more than 200 faiths, is one of the most unlikely places one would imagine encountering the psychedelic brew ayahuasca. It is here however, that indigenous people from the Amazon joined forces with leaders in the plant medicine community to take powerful steps towards world wide acceptance by being recognized as a legitimate spiritual practice. Join host Mareesa Stertz as she takes us on a journey through what makes this event such a momentous occasion.

Day 3 | 90-Min Panels

Colorado vs Oregon: A Tale of Two Trials in Psychedelic Policy

You'll hear from:

Sami Bass

Sacred Matriarch

Barine Majewska

Counsel, Vicente LLP

Jon Dennis

Attorney and Activist

Anthony Johnson

Oregon Measure 110 Chief Petitioner

Jessica 'jaz' Cadoch

Psychedelic Anthropologist
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The Ancestor Messenger 8-Week Sacred Space-Holding Program Open House

The Ancestor Messenger Sacred Space-Holding Program is an 8-week hybrid virtual and live, in-person program specifically designed for emerging Leaders of the Renaissance to cultivate the essential skills of a plant medicine integration provider and ceremonial space-holder. Learn directly from indigenous wisdom keepers who are ancestral custodians of sacred plant medicine traditions and…

Claim Your Purpose in the Psychedelic Renaissance!

You'll hear from:

Lorna Liana
Lorna Liana

Lorna Liana is the CEO of EntheoNation, a media company and educational platform covering psychedelics, ancestral plant medicines, and global medicine culture. She is also the Founder of The Plant Spirit School Integration Coach Certification Program, designed to help plant medicine practitioners become thriving integration coaches in the Psychedelic Renaissance. 

Aluna Luna

Aluna Lua is the co-founder of the psychedelic media company Ascension Arts and head coach of The Plant Spirit School. She works as a ceremony facilitator, performing artist and integration coach. She is specialized in the medicines of Hapé, Kambo and Cannabis and is based in Los Angeles, CA. She provides peer support at Burning Man through the Zendo Project and offers trainings, retreats and mentorship for sacred space holders.

Ancestor Messenger Sacred Spaceholding Program Open House

You'll hear from:

Aluna Lua

Entheogenic Facilitator & Head Coach of the Plant Spirit School

Lorna Liana

CEO EntheoNation & Founder of the Plant Spirit School
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How to Uphold Ethics, Boundaries, and Consent in Psychedelic Therapy

You'll hear from:

Coltrane Lord

Foundress Wonderland Project | Board Member Chacruna Institute

Joel Brierre

Founder & CEO of Tandava Retreats

Leia Friedwoman

The Psychedologist

Sonali Sadequee

Founder of Relate Consciously

Catherine Auman

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Ana Holub

Director of Facilitation at Omnia Group Ashland
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Entheogenic Churches in 2024: Raids, Religious Renegades, Regulation

You'll hear from:

Lacey White

Plant Spirit School Program Manager

Mike Marinacci

Author of Psychedelic Cults and Outlaw Churches

Martha Hartney

Attorney & Drug Reform Advocate

Serena Wu

Partner at Radicle Law LLP

Merrill Ward

Awakening Divinity Ministries / Exec. Dir. & Minister
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Day 4

Catalyzing Collective Liberation

Day 4 | Speaker Sessions

Steve DeAngelo

Cannabis Entrepreneur, Activist, and Author

Breaking Chains: Advocacy for Prison Release and Cannabis Reform

Steve Deangelo, Father of the Legal Cannabis Industry, is a pioneering cannabis entrepreneur, activist, author, and on-screen personality. He co-founded several iconic cannabis businesses and organizations.
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Kayse Gehret

Founder of Microdosing for Healing

How to Become a Microdosing Coach

Kayse Gehret is the founder of Microdosing for Healing, a global platform founded in November of 2020 offering microdosing programs, community, podcast and professional mentorship programs. She has supported nearly 900 individuals in microdosing practice and passionate about supporting & mentoring individuals and professionals in their healing, growth and spiritual discovery.

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Skye Weaver

Earth Medicine & Women's Leadership Mentor

Weaving an Integral Path: Integration, Community & Leadership as a Life Path

Skye Weaver is a Medicine Woman from Los Angeles specializing in psychedelics, women’s leadership, and radical self-care. She is a lead facilitator for The Center for Medicinal Mindfulness, DoubleBlind Magazine, and EntheoNation.

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Evacheska deAngelis

Integrative Counselor, Founder, Temple Sotto Luce

Integrating Spiritual Experiences from Plant Medicine Ceremonies into Everyday Life

Evacheska deAngelis is the Founder of Temple Sotto Luce. Evacheska is an Integrative Counselor, Trauma-Informed Somatic Practitioner, Psycho-Spiritual Coach, Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher, and trained psychedelic facilitator, and passionate Animist.

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Rachael Henrichsen

Founder of Red Gate Path

Meditation, Mantra, and Medicine

Rachael is a licensed acupuncturist drawing upon 25 years experience providing care for patients in her private practice. Internationally recognized as a Lopön of the Tibetan Bon tradition, she teaches meditation, mantra and healing arts.

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Decolonizing + Queering Healing Spaces

You'll hear from:

Sami Bass

Sami Bass is a lineage ancestral channel, somatic movement and embodiment practitioner and medicine person challenging social narratives by creating safer spaces for all voices.

Ecko Aleck

Ecko is a 2spirit Nlaka’pamux song carrier, dream walker, digital shapeshifter, storyteller, and medicine woman of many mediums. They live and breathe revolutionary acts of rest and play through ancestral healing modalities and curiosity through creative expression. Ecko is the founder and co-facilitator of Sacred Matriarch Creative, offering teachings and tools for folks to unleash their magic and medicine, guided by ancestral knowledge.

Day 4 Film

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The Art Of Hapé In The Brazilian Amazon

In this film short, EntheoNation founder Lorna Liana speaks with master hapé maker Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa on the art of making sacred Amazonian snuff. You will discover how wildcrafted, organic sacred Amazonian snuff is made, what plants are included in the blends, along with how indigenous tribes used this sacred medicine for healing, hunting, and more.

Day 4

Day 4 | 90-Min Panels

The Profound Gifts of Indigenous-Led Retreats

You'll hear from:

Magdalena Tanev

The Editor at EntheoNation

Melissa Stangl

Founding Partner, Soltara


Cofounder of Rastafari Indigenous Village

Iraci Calixto

Retreat Leader and Facilitator

Mauro Kapetawa

Chief Director of TXAI -Shamanic Traditions of Native America
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Overcoming Ethnoracial Barriers to Participation in the Psychedelic Renaissance

You'll hear from:

Oriana Mayorga

Multifaith (psychedelic/harm reduction) Chaplain

Wilhelmina de Castro

Integrate - Founder, Executive Director of PRATI and Psychedelic Therapist

Preeti Simran Sethi

Psychedelic Storyteller, Educator, and Facilitator

Charlotte James

Founder of Psychedelic Liberation Training

Jonathan 'Quest' Brown

Co-Founder of Three Rivers Psychedelic Society, Sacred Facilitator & Integration Coach
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How to Create Community Accountability in the Psychedelic Sector

You'll hear from:

Lacey White

Plant Spirit School Program Manager

Brad Adams

Founder and CEO, Los Angeles Medicinal Psychedelics Society (LAMPS)

Aviva Rabinovici

Founder of Guides Collective, Psychedelic Industry Strategist

Sita Ji

Plant Medicine Teacher, Facilitator and Integration Coach

Victoria Wueschner

Co-founder & President of F.I.V.E. (5-MeO-DMT Information & Vital Education), Retreat Leader at Tandava Retreats
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Day 5

Sharing Medicine: Bridging Wisdom Traditions and Native Cultures

Day 5 | Speaker Sessions

Dr. Regina U Hess

Transpersonal Psychotherapist, Shamanic Practitioner, & Researcher

Exploring the Deep Intimacy of Interconnectedness - Towards an Integrative Conscious Way of Living Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Psychedelic Science

Dr. Regina U. Hess, NL/PT, has been a clinician for 30+ years, a transpersonal psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, researcher, and international teacher who bridges ancient wisdom traditions and modern (psychedelic) science, and visionary founder/director of Birthing an Ancient Future – Multidisciplinary Psychedelic Council

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Richard Louis Miller

Clinical Psychologist, Author & Radio Host, Mind, Body, Health & Politics

Psychedelic Medicine at the End of Life

Dr. Richard Miller is an 85 year old clinical psychologist with 64 years of professional experience. He is the founder of the nationally acclaimed Cokenders Alcohol and Drug Program, the creator of the internationally reknowned Health Sanctuary at Wilbur Hot Springs and the author of 3 books on psychedlic medicine and one on human sexuality.

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Darcy Kopas

Co-Founder of Visionary Hearts & Star River Sanctuary

Shamanic Street Smarts within the Psychedelic Renaissance

Darcy is a shamanic practitioner, plant spirit medicine ceremonialist, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, who specializes in clearing dense energy, complex shamanic shadow dynamics, and distance energy healing.

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Andrew Soluna McReynolds

Psychotherapist, Executive Director at Children of the Rainforest

Organized Reciprocity and Allyship in the Medicine Space

Andrew Soluna Mcreynolds, is a LMFT specializing in Holistic Integration, a body-led psycho-spiritual approach to therapy & psychedelic integration. He co-founded Children of the Rainforest, with Chief Isku Kua Yawanawa and a small group of dedicated board members.

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Day 5 | 90-Min Panels

When the Eagle Meets the Condor: What This Sacred Prophecy Means for Modern Times

You'll hear from:

Lorna Liana

CEO EntheoNation & Founder of the Plant Spirit School

John Perkins

Author of Books on Indigenous Cultures and Global Economics

Bobby Wade

Lead Integration Coach and Advisor at Heroic Hearts Australia

Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta

Andean Wisdom Keeper, Traditional Healer, and Spiritual Guide

Xochitl Ashe

5th Generation Medicine Woman
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The Crucial Role of Music and Sound in the Sacred Ceremonies of the Americas

You'll hear from:

Heather Love

Spiritual Strategist & Host of Creature School Radio

Ivaylo Govedarov

Sacred Medicine Retreat Facilitator and Integration Coach

Ali Maya

Ceremonial Healer, Musician & Guide

Ilan Navah

Founder of Nova Earth Music & Medicine Music Artist

Alex Pardhy

Medicine Woman and Ceremonial Spaceholder
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Sacred Plants of Africa – Ancestral Traditions & Contemporary Uses

You'll hear from:

Daniel Shankin

Psychedelic Integration Coach & Founder of Tam Integration

John Lockley

Fully Initiated Sangoma in the Xhosa Lineage of South Africa.

Audrey Braddock Ndjogo

Founder & Nganga, Bwiti Roots

Zola Xashimba

Herbalist and Indigenous Knowledge Systems Practitioner
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Sacred Fungi: Exploring Traditional Uses of Psilocybin Mushrooms

You'll hear from:

Lacey White

Plant Spirit School Program Manager

Acacea Lewis

Founder of Divine Master Alchemy & Plant Medicine Alchemy

Osiris Sinuhe Gonzalez Romero

Philosophy and Psychedelics Exeter Research Group

Maria Heleyna

Medicine-Woman, Traditional Midwife and Mind-Body Therapist
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Sharing Medicine: Bridging Wisdom Traditions and Native Cultures

Keynote – Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times | Samia Biruany Huni Kuin & Aluna Lua
Featured Session - Does Not Expire

Keynote – Ancestral Wisdom for Modern Times | Samia Biruany Huni Kuin and Aluna Lua

You'll hear from:

Aluna Lua

Entheogenic Facilitator & Head Coach of the Plant Spirit School

Samia Biruany Huni Kuin

Artist, Musician & Leader of Maia Ysa Huni Kuin Women’s Collective in Pinuya Village
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Closing |  Music

Does Not Expire

Alma Peregrina | Mantric Mambo

Mantric Mambo is a band that has grown together over the last 20 years. Its members lead the ceremonies at Templo Mãe D’água, a center for Sacred Medicines in Chapada dos Veadeiros. The teachings of these medicines and their connection with the cycles of nature deeply inspire their musicality.

Does Not Expire

Band of Mercy Presents A Celebration Of Brazilian Fusion Medicine Music

Experience the magic of Brazilian medicine music to celebrate your sacred medicine path. We welcome The Band of Mercy, featuring the ethereal voice of Aluna Lua, the harmonic guitar of Danny Stark, and the grooves of Royal Taj to bring a musical ceremony for you.
Global Synchronized Hapé Medicine Ceremony & Live QA
Does Not Expire

Global Synchronized Hapé Medicine Ceremony & Live QA

You'll hear from:

Lorna Liana

CEO EntheoNation & Founder of the Plant Spirit School

Aluna Lua

Entheogenic Facilitator & Head Coach of the Plant Spirit School
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